Stringent Security Measures at Lejurex

High Level of Security is enforced at each layer of Lejurexs’ operations

Business confidentiality and applicable regulatory requirements are key considerations in our security measures. Some of our Physical security precautions include:

  • Security guards on 24X7x365 basis
  • Compulsory ID card beyond the reception area and the obligation to carry the ID card at all times
  • Visitors have to be accompanied during their visits
  • All Operations floors with access control and restricted access with proximity/biometric access for Authorized Personnel Only
  • Visitor access limited to floor dedicated to support functions
  • The premises are monitored by a CCTV (closed circuit television) network

Data Security

Lejurex treats client data with utmost confidentiality and has implemented comprehensive security measures to ensure that no client data is shared by anyone else other than authorized personnel.

  • Confidentiality of customer data on LAN network: A separate VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is created for each client project. Also, we apply ACL (Access Control List) filters to restrict to and from traffic from a customer assigned VLAN to the Internet.
  • Confidentiality of customer data stored on local servers: All data resides on centralized servers. The servers are NTFS (New Technology File System) partitioned, and access is restricted with Active Directory authentication. Lawspirit employees are not allowed to store any data on local systems or portable drives.
  • Confidentiality of customer data on workstations: In order to control access to the workstations, the OS (Operating System) on each is hardened and group policies are applied. Only Active Directory user IDs are allowed to login to the workstations, and users can only login to the group in which their membership has been established.
  • Perimeter Control: Firewalls are deployed on the Internet Perimeter to restrict inbound/ outbound access.

Client Confidentiality

We are very sensitive to the issues of data security and client confidentiality. We incorporate best practices, established models and methodologies and an uncompromising approach to offer Legal Excellence. We have implemented comprehensive security measures to ensure that client data is not accessed by unauthorized personnel. And that the data which is accessed is only utilized to the extent permitted by the scope of our undertaking with the client. All employees who deal with client material are made to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA). Resources across different projects are allocated with Client's consent to avoid conflict of interest or raise confidentiality concerns.

Information Technology Precautions

  • Confidentiality of customer data on LAN network: A separate VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is created for each client project. Also, we apply ACL (Access Control List) filters to restrict to and from traffic from a customer assigned VLAN to the Internet.
  • Confidentiality of customer data stored on local servers: All data resides on centralized servers. The servers are NTFS (New Technology File System) partitioned, and access is restricted with Active Directory authentication. Lejurex employees are not allowed to store any data on local systems or portable drives.
  • Confidentiality of customer data on workstations: In order to control access to the workstations, the OS (Operating System) on each is hardened and group policies are applied. Only Active Directory user IDs are allowed to login to the workstations, and users can only login to the group in which their membership has been established