The Internet of Things Is Here
Last few decades it was wireless revolution where people and devices were connected, today technology revolution is governed by a tsunami called Internet of Things (IoT) or Machine To Machine (M2M). IoT ecosystem connects people, devices, things and applications wirelessly, making them smart. Now that more objects are getting wired up into Internet – everything from Kitchen to Automobiles to Smart Cities - almost all are getting a digital transformation. The sweeping decreases in cost of sensors, beacons and Internet connectivity resulted in billions of connected devices in the world IoT applications and have the potential to transform every zone of business by allowing organizations to make expert decision. Seamless connection of devices to the cloud based network that enables information sharing and management via Open Source software technologies to drive operational efficiency and power new and critically improved business models.

Stixis already has proven in-house developed products in production in various countries, in the area of kitchens, hooking up things like refrigerators and washing machines to talk to cloud network, your phone and with each other.